Object Hierarchy:
[ CCode ( lower_case_csuffix = "youtube_query" , type_id = "gdata_youtube_query_get_type ()" ) ]
[ Version ( since = "0.3.0" ) ]
public class YouTubeQuery : Query
[ Version ( since = "0.3.0" ) ]
public class YouTubeQuery : Query
All the fields in the YouTubeQuery structure are private and should never be accessed directly.
Namespace: GData
Package: libgdata
- public YouTubeAge age { get; set; }
Restricts the search to videos uploaded within the specified time period.
- public double latitude { get; set; }
The latitude of a particular location of which videos should be found.
- public string license { get; set; }
The content license which should be used to filter search results.
- public double location_radius { get; set; }
The radius, in metres, of a circle from within which videos should be returned.
- public double longitude { get; set; }
The longitude of a particular location of which videos should be found.
- public string order_by { get; set; }
Specifies the order of entries in a feed.
- public string restriction { get; set; }
An ISO 3166 two-letter country code that should be used to filter videos playable only in specific countries.
- public YouTubeSafeSearch safe_search { get; set; }
Whether the search results should include restricted content as well as standard content.
Creation methods:
- public YouTubeQuery (string? q)
Creates a new YouTubeQuery with its q property set to
- public YouTubeAge get_age ()
Gets the age property.
- public unowned string get_license ()
Gets the license property.
- public void get_location (out double latitude, out double longitude, out double radius)
Gets the location-based properties of the YouTubeQuery : latitude, longitude, location_radius and
. - public unowned string get_order_by ()
Gets the order_by property.
- public unowned string get_restriction ()
Gets the restriction property.
- public YouTubeSafeSearch get_safe_search ()
Gets the safe_search property.
- public void set_age (YouTubeAge age)
Sets the age property of the YouTubeQuery to
. - public void set_license (string? license)
Sets the license property of the YouTubeQuery to the new license value,
. - public void set_location (double latitude, double longitude, double radius)
Sets the location-based properties of the YouTubeQuery : latitude, longitude, location_radius and
. - public void set_order_by (string? order_by)
Sets the order_by property of the YouTubeQuery to the new order by string,
. - public void set_restriction (string? restriction)
Sets the restriction property of the YouTubeQuery to the new restriction string,
. - public void set_safe_search (YouTubeSafeSearch safe_search)
Sets the safe_search property of the YouTubeQuery to
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class GData.Query
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object