Object Hierarchy:
[ CCode ( type_id = "gdata_upload_stream_get_type ()" ) ]
[ Version ( since = "0.5.0" ) ]
public class UploadStream : OutputStream
[ Version ( since = "0.5.0" ) ]
public class UploadStream : OutputStream
All the fields in the UploadStream structure are private and should never be accessed directly.
Namespace: GData
Package: libgdata
- public AuthorizationDomain authorization_domain { get; construct; }
The authorization domain for the upload, against which the authorizer for the service should be authorized.
- public Cancellable cancellable { get; construct; }
An optional cancellable used to cancel the entire upload operation.
- public int64 content_length { get; construct; }
The content length (in bytes) of the file being uploaded (i.e. as returned by get_size).
- public string content_type { get; construct; }
The content type of the file being uploaded (i.e. as returned by get_content_type).
- public Entry entry { get; construct; }
The entry used for metadata to upload.
- public string method { get; construct; }
The HTTP request method to use when uploading the file.
- public Service service { get; construct; }
The service which is used to authorize the upload, and to which the upload relates.
- public string slug { get; construct; }
The slug of the file being uploaded.
- public string upload_uri { get; construct; }
The URI to upload the data and metadata to.
Creation methods:
- public UploadStream (Service service, AuthorizationDomain? domain, string method, string upload_uri, Entry? entry, string slug, string content_type, Cancellable? cancellable = null)
Creates a new UploadStream, allowing a file to be uploaded from a GData service using standard OutputStream API.
- public UploadStream.resumable (Service service, AuthorizationDomain? domain, string method, string upload_uri, Entry? entry, string slug, string content_type, int64 content_length, Cancellable? cancellable = null)
Creates a new resumable UploadStream, allowing a file to be uploaded from a GData service using standard OutputStream API.
- public unowned AuthorizationDomain? get_authorization_domain ()
Gets the authorization domain used to authorize the upload, as passed to UploadStream.
- public unowned Cancellable get_cancellable ()
Gets the Cancellable for the entire upload operation, cancellable.
- public int64 get_content_length ()
Gets the size (in bytes) of the file being uploaded.
- public unowned string get_content_type ()
Gets the content type of the file being uploaded.
- public unowned Entry get_entry ()
Gets the entry being used to upload metadata, if one was passed to UploadStream.
- public unowned string get_method ()
Gets the HTTP request method being used to upload the file, as passed to UploadStream.
- public unowned string get_response (out ssize_t length)
Returns the server's response to the upload operation performed by the UploadStream.
- public unowned Service get_service ()
Gets the service used to authorize the upload, as passed to UploadStream.
- public unowned string get_slug ()
Gets the slug (filename) of the file being uploaded.
- public unowned string get_upload_uri ()
Gets the URI the file is being uploaded to, as passed to UploadStream.
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class GLib.OutputStream
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object