
Object Hierarchy:

IBus.Property IBus.Property IBus.Property IBus.Serializable IBus.Serializable IBus.Serializable->IBus.Property IBus.Object IBus.Object IBus.Object->IBus.Serializable GLib.InitiallyUnowned GLib.InitiallyUnowned GLib.InitiallyUnowned->IBus.Object GLib.Object GLib.Object GLib.Object->GLib.InitiallyUnowned


[ CCode ( type_id = "ibus_property_get_type ()" ) ]
public class Property : Serializable

An IBusProperty is an UI component like a button or a menu item which shows the status of corresponding input method engine property.

End user can operate and see the current status of IME through these components. For example, ibus-chewing users change the English/Chinese input mode by pressing ctrl-space or click on the Eng/Chi switch button. And the IBusProperty shows the change correspondingly.

see_also: PropList, Engine

Namespace: IBus
Package: ibus-1.0



Creation methods:


Inherited Members:

All known members inherited from class IBus.Serializable
All known members inherited from class IBus.Object