Object Hierarchy:
[ CCode ( type_id = "gtk_source_file_saver_get_type ()" ) ]
[ GIR ( name = "FileSaver" ) ]
public class SourceFileSaver : Object
[ GIR ( name = "FileSaver" ) ]
public class SourceFileSaver : Object
Namespace: Gtk
Package: gtksourceview-4
- public SourceBuffer buffer { get; construct; }
The SourceBuffer to save.
- public SourceCompressionType compression_type { get; set construct; }
The compression type.
- public SourceEncoding encoding { get; set construct; }
The file's encoding.
- public SourceFile file { get; construct; }
The SourceFile .
- public SourceFileSaverFlags flags { get; set construct; }
File saving flags.
- public File location { get; construct; }
The File where to save the buffer.
- public SourceNewlineType newline_type { get; set construct; }
The newline type.
Creation methods:
- public SourceFileSaver (SourceBuffer buffer, SourceFile file)
Creates a new SourceFileSaver object.
- public SourceFileSaver.with_target (SourceBuffer buffer, SourceFile file, File target_location)
Creates a new SourceFileSaver object with a target location.
- public unowned SourceBuffer get_buffer ()
- public SourceCompressionType get_compression_type ()
- public unowned SourceEncoding get_encoding ()
- public unowned SourceFile get_file ()
- public SourceFileSaverFlags get_flags ()
- public unowned File get_location ()
- public SourceNewlineType get_newline_type ()
- public async bool save_async (int io_priority, Cancellable? cancellable, owned FileProgressCallback? progress_callback) throws Error
Saves asynchronously the buffer into the file.
- public void set_compression_type (SourceCompressionType compression_type)
Sets the compression type.
- public void set_encoding (SourceEncoding? encoding)
Sets the encoding.
- public void set_flags (SourceFileSaverFlags flags)
- public void set_newline_type (SourceNewlineType newline_type)
Sets the newline type.
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object