Object Hierarchy:
public class CanvasPolylineModel : CanvasItemModelSimple, CanvasItemModel
GooCanvasPolylineModel represents a model for polyline items, which are a series of one or more lines, with optional arrows at either end.
It is a subclass of CanvasItemModelSimple and so inherits all of the style properties such as "stroke-color", "fill-color" and "line-width".
It also implements the CanvasItemModel interface, so you can use the CanvasItemModel functions such as raise and rotate.
To create a CanvasPolylineModel use CanvasPolylineModel, or CanvasPolylineModel.line for a simple line between two points.
To get or set the properties of an existing CanvasPolylineModel, use @get and @set.
To respond to events such as mouse clicks on the polyline you must connect to the signal handlers of the corresponding CanvasPolyline objects. (See get_item and item_created.)