Object Hierarchy:
Namespace: Fwupd
Package: fwupd
- public bool approval_required { get; set; }
If firmware from the remote should be checked against the system list of approved firmware.
- public bool automatic_reports { get; set; }
The behavior for auto-uploading reports.
- public bool automatic_security_reports { get; set; }
The behavior for auto-uploading security reports.
- public bool enabled { get; set; }
If the remote is enabled and should be used.
- public string id { owned get; set; }
The remote ID.
Static methods:
- public static GenericArray<unowned Remote> array_from_variant (Variant value)
Creates an array of new devices using packed data.
- public static Remote from_variant (Variant value)
Creates a new remote using packed data.
- public static RemoteKind kind_from_string (string kind)
Converts an printable string to an enumerated type.
- public static unowned string kind_to_string (RemoteKind kind)
Converts an enumerated type to a printable string.
Creation methods:
- public Remote ()
Creates a new fwupd remote.
- public string build_firmware_uri (string url) throws Error
Builds a URI for the URL using the username and password set for the remote, including any basename URI substitution.
- public uint64 get_age ()
Gets the age of the remote in seconds.
- public unowned string get_agreement ()
Gets the remote agreement in AppStream markup format
- public bool get_approval_required ()
Gets if firmware from the remote should be checked against the list of a approved checksums.
- public bool get_automatic_reports ()
Gets if reports should be automatically uploaded to this remote
- public bool get_automatic_security_reports ()
Gets if security reports should be automatically uploaded to this remote
- public unowned string get_checksum ()
Gets the remote checksum.
- public bool get_enabled ()
Gets if the remote is enabled and should be used.
- public unowned string get_filename_cache ()
Gets the path and filename that the remote is using for a cache.
- public unowned string get_filename_cache_sig ()
Gets the path and filename that the remote is using for a signature cache.
- public unowned string get_filename_source ()
Gets the path and filename of the remote itself, typically a `.
- public unowned string get_firmware_base_uri ()
Gets the base URI for firmware.
- public unowned string get_id ()
Gets the remote ID, e.
- public KeyringKind get_keyring_kind ()
Gets the keyring kind of the remote.
- public RemoteKind get_kind ()
Gets the kind of the remote.
- public unowned string get_metadata_uri ()
Gets the URI for the remote metadata.
- public unowned string get_metadata_uri_sig ()
Gets the URI for the remote metadata signature.
- public unowned string[] get_order_after ()
Gets the list of remotes this plugin should be ordered after.
- public unowned string[] get_order_before ()
Gets the list of remotes this plugin should be ordered before.
- public unowned string get_password ()
Gets the password configured for the remote.
- public int get_priority ()
Gets the priority of the remote, where bigger numbers are better.
- public unowned string get_remotes_dir ()
Gets the base directory for storing remote metadata
- public unowned string get_report_uri ()
Gets the URI for the remote reporting.
- public unowned string get_security_report_uri ()
Gets the URI for the security report.
- public unowned string get_title ()
Gets the remote title, e.
- public unowned string get_username ()
Gets the username configured for the remote.
- public bool load_from_filename (string filename, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Sets up the remote ready for use.
- public bool load_signature (string filename) throws Error
Parses the signature, updating the metadata URI as appropriate.
- public bool load_signature_bytes (Bytes bytes) throws Error
Parses the signature, updating the metadata URI as appropriate.
- public void set_agreement (string agreement)
Sets the remote agreement in AppStream markup format
- public void set_keyring_kind (KeyringKind keyring_kind)
Sets the keyring kind
- public void set_mtime (uint64 mtime)
Sets the plugin modification time.
- public void set_priority (int priority)
Sets the plugin priority.
- public void set_remotes_dir (string directory)
Sets the directory to store remote data
- public Variant to_variant ()
Creates a GVariant from the remote data.
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object