Implementation of the iCalendar protocols and protocol data units. The iCalendar specification describes how calendar clients can communicate with calendar servers so users can store their calendar data and arrange meetings with other users.
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- ICal
- Array - This is the ICalArray instance.
- Attach - This is the ICalAttach instance.
- CompIter - This is the ICalCompIter instance.
- Component - This is the ICalComponent instance.
- Datetimeperiod - This is the ICalDatetimeperiod instance.
- Duration - This is the ICalDuration instance.
- Geo - This is the ICalGeo instance.
- Object - This is an ICalObject instance struct.
- Parameter - This is the ICalParameter instance.
- Parser - This is the ICalParser instance.
- Period - This is the ICalPeriod instance.
- Property - This is the ICalProperty instance.
- RecurIterator - This is the ICalRecurIterator instance.
- Recurrence - This is the ICalRecurrence instance.
- Reqstat - This is the ICalReqstat instance.
- Time - This is the ICalTime instance.
- TimeSpan - This is the ICalTimeSpan instance.
- Timezone - This is the ICalTimezone instance.
- Trigger - This is the ICalTrigger instance.
- Value - This is the ICalValue instance.
- ComponentKind
- Error
- ErrorState
- ParameterAction
- ParameterCutype
- ParameterDisplay
- ParameterEnable
- ParameterEncoding
- ParameterFbtype
- ParameterFeature
- ParameterKind
- ParameterLocal
- ParameterPartstat
- ParameterPatchaction
- ParameterRange
- ParameterRelated
- ParameterReltype
- ParameterRequired
- ParameterRole
- ParameterRsvp
- ParameterScheduleagent
- ParameterScheduleforcesend
- ParameterStayinformed
- ParameterSubstate
- ParameterValue
- ParameterXliccomparetype
- ParameterXlicerrortype
- ParserState
- PropertyAction
- PropertyBusytype
- PropertyCarlevel
- PropertyCmd
- PropertyKind
- PropertyMethod
- PropertyPollcompletion
- PropertyPollmode
- PropertyQuerylevel
- PropertyStatus
- PropertyTaskmode
- PropertyTransp
- PropertyXlicclass
- Property_Class
- RecurrenceArrayMaxValues
- RecurrenceArraySizes
- RecurrenceFrequency
- RecurrenceSkip
- RecurrenceWeekday
- RequestStatus
- RestrictionKind
- Unknowntokenhandling
- ValueKind
- public delegate void ComponentForeachRecurrenceFunc (Component comp, TimeSpan span)
- public delegate void ComponentForeachTZIDFunc (Parameter param)
- public delegate string MimeParseFunc (char[] bytes)
- public delegate string ParserLineGenFunc (char[] bytes)
- public void bt ()
- public Error errno_return ()
Returns the error stored in the library.
- public Unknowntokenhandling get_unknown_token_handling_setting ()
Gets the setting of Unknowntokenhandling.
- public Component mime_parse (MimeParseFunc func)
Parses data to Component using the given function.
- public Array<long> recur_expand_recurrence (string rule, long start, int count)
Fills an array with the 'count' number of occurrences generated by the rrule.
- public int restriction_check (Component comp)
Checks whether the Component is valid.
- public int restriction_compare (RestrictionKind restr, int count)
Compares the kind of restriction and the count to determine whether it is valid.
- public void set_unknown_token_handling_setting (Unknowntokenhandling newSetting)
Sets Unknowntokenhandling.
- Memory
- public void add_tmp_buffer (void* buf)
Adds an existing buffer to the buffer ring.
- public void append_char (ref char[] buf, ref char[] pos, char ch)
Append the character to the buffer.
- public void append_string (ref char[] buf, ref char[] pos, string str)
Appends the string to the buffer.
- public void free_buffer (void* buf)
Frees the buffer.
- public void* new_buffer (size_t size)
Creates a new buffer with target size.
- public void* resize_buffer (void* buf, size_t size)
Resizes the buffer to the target size.
- public string strdup (string s)
A wrapper around strdup.
- public void* tmp_buffer (size_t size)
Creates a buffer with target size.
- public string tmp_copy (string str)
Like strdup, but the buffer is on the ring.