- Array - This is the ICalArray instance.
- Attach - This is the ICalAttach instance.
- CompIter - This is the ICalCompIter instance.
- Component - This is the ICalComponent instance.
- Datetimeperiod - This is the ICalDatetimeperiod instance.
- Duration - This is the ICalDuration instance.
- Geo - This is the ICalGeo instance.
- Object - This is an ICalObject instance struct.
- Parameter - This is the ICalParameter instance.
- Parser - This is the ICalParser instance.
- Period - This is the ICalPeriod instance.
- Property - This is the ICalProperty instance.
- RecurIterator - This is the ICalRecurIterator instance.
- Recurrence - This is the ICalRecurrence instance.
- Reqstat - This is the ICalReqstat instance.
- Time - This is the ICalTime instance.
- TimeSpan - This is the ICalTimeSpan instance.
- Timezone - This is the ICalTimezone instance.
- Trigger - This is the ICalTrigger instance.
- Value - This is the ICalValue instance.
- ComponentKind
- Error
- ErrorState
- ParameterAction
- ParameterCutype
- ParameterDisplay
- ParameterEnable
- ParameterEncoding
- ParameterFbtype
- ParameterFeature
- ParameterKind
- ParameterLocal
- ParameterPartstat
- ParameterPatchaction
- ParameterRange
- ParameterRelated
- ParameterReltype
- ParameterRequired
- ParameterRole
- ParameterRsvp
- ParameterScheduleagent
- ParameterScheduleforcesend
- ParameterStayinformed
- ParameterSubstate
- ParameterValue
- ParameterXliccomparetype
- ParameterXlicerrortype
- ParserState
- PropertyAction
- PropertyBusytype
- PropertyCarlevel
- PropertyCmd
- PropertyKind
- PropertyMethod
- PropertyPollcompletion
- PropertyPollmode
- PropertyQuerylevel
- PropertyStatus
- PropertyTaskmode
- PropertyTransp
- PropertyXlicclass
- Property_Class
- RecurrenceArrayMaxValues
- RecurrenceArraySizes
- RecurrenceFrequency
- RecurrenceSkip
- RecurrenceWeekday
- RequestStatus
- RestrictionKind
- Unknowntokenhandling
- ValueKind
- public delegate void ComponentForeachRecurrenceFunc (Component comp, TimeSpan span)
- public delegate void ComponentForeachTZIDFunc (Parameter param)
- public delegate string MimeParseFunc (char[] bytes)
- public delegate string ParserLineGenFunc (char[] bytes)
- public void bt ()
- public Error errno_return ()
Returns the error stored in the library.
- public Unknowntokenhandling get_unknown_token_handling_setting ()
Gets the setting of Unknowntokenhandling.
- public Component mime_parse (MimeParseFunc func)
Parses data to Component using the given function.
- public Array<long> recur_expand_recurrence (string rule, long start, int count)
Fills an array with the 'count' number of occurrences generated by the rrule.
- public int restriction_check (Component comp)
Checks whether the Component is valid.
- public int restriction_compare (RestrictionKind restr, int count)
Compares the kind of restriction and the count to determine whether it is valid.
- public void set_unknown_token_handling_setting (Unknowntokenhandling newSetting)
Sets Unknowntokenhandling.