

public bool property_get (Window window, Atom property, Atom type, ulong offset, ulong length, int pdelete, out Atom actual_property_type, out int actual_format, out uint8[] data)

Retrieves a portion of the contents of a property.

If the property does not exist, then the function returns false, and gdk_none will be stored in actual_property_type.

The XGetWindowProperty function that property_get uses has a very confusing and complicated set of semantics. Unfortunately, property_get makes the situation worse instead of better (the semantics should be considered undefined), and also prints warnings to stderr in cases where it should return a useful error to the program. You are advised to use XGetWindowProperty directly until a replacement function for property_get is provided.



a Window


the property to retrieve


the desired property type, or gdk_none, if any type of data is acceptable. If this does not match the actual type, then actual_format and data.length will be filled in, a warning will be printed to stderr and no data will be returned.


the offset into the property at which to begin retrieving data, in 4 byte units.


the length of the data to retrieve in bytes. Data is considered to be retrieved in 4 byte chunks, so length will be rounded up to the next highest 4 byte boundary (so be careful not to pass a value that might overflow when rounded up).


if true, delete the property after retrieving the data.


location to store the actual type of the property.


location to store the actual return format of the data; either 8, 16 or 32 bits.


location to store a pointer to the data. The retrieved data should be freed with g_free when you are finished using it.


location to store the length of the retrieved data, in bytes. Data returned in the 32 bit format is stored in a long variable, so the actual number of 32 bit elements should be be calculated via data.length / sizeof(glong) to ensure portability to 64 bit systems.


true if data was successfully received and stored in data, otherwise false.

Namespace: Gdk
Package: gdk-3.0