Object Hierarchy:
[ Compact ]
[ Version ( since = "2.6" ) ]
[ CCode ( free_function = "g_option_context_free" ) ]
public class OptionContext
[ Version ( since = "2.6" ) ]
[ CCode ( free_function = "g_option_context_free" ) ]
public class OptionContext
A `GOptionContext` struct defines which options are accepted by the commandline option parser.
The struct has only private fields and should not be directly accessed.
Example: Commandline parsing:
public class Main : Object {
private static bool version = false;
private static string? directory = null;
[CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
private static string[]? importdirs = null;
private static string? driver = null;
[CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
private static string[]? import_packages = null;
private static double numd = 0;
private static int64 numi64 = 0;
private static int numi = 0;
private const GLib.OptionEntry[] options = {
// --version
{ "version", '\0', OptionFlags.NONE, OptionArg.NONE, ref version, "Display version number", null },
// --directory FIlENAME || -o FILENAME
{ "directory", 'o', OptionFlags.NONE, OptionArg.FILENAME, ref directory, "Output directory", "DIRECTORY" },
// [--vapidir FILENAME]*
{ "importdir", '\0', OptionFlags.NONE, OptionArg.FILENAME_ARRAY, ref importdirs, "Look for external documentation in DIRECTORY", "DIRECTORY..." },
// --driver
{ "driver", '\0', OptionFlags.NONE, OptionArg.STRING, ref driver, "Use the given driver", "DRIVER" },
// [--import STRING]*
{ "import", '\0', OptionFlags.NONE, OptionArg.STRING_ARRAY, ref import_packages, "Include binding for PACKAGE", "PACKAGE..." },
// --double DOUBLE
{ "double", '\0', OptionFlags.NONE, OptionArg.DOUBLE, ref numd, "double value", "DOUBLE" },
// --int64 INT64
{ "int64", '\0', OptionFlags.NONE, OptionArg.INT64, ref numi64, "int64 value", "INT64" },
// --int INT
{ "int", '\0', OptionFlags.NONE, OptionArg.INT, ref numi, "int value", "INT" },
// list terminator
{ null }
public static int main (string[] args) {
try {
var opt_context = new OptionContext ("- OptionContext example");
opt_context.set_help_enabled (true);
opt_context.add_main_entries (options, null);
opt_context.parse (ref args);
} catch (OptionError e) {
printerr ("error: %s\n", e.message);
printerr ("Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n", args[0]);
return 1;
if (version) {
print ("Test 0.1\n");
return 0;
print ("Paths:\n");
print (@" directory: '$directory'\n");
print (" importdir: ");
foreach (string str in importdirs) {
print (@"'$str' ");
print ("\n\n");
print ("Strings:\n");
print (@" driver: '$driver'\n");
print (" import: ");
foreach (string str in import_packages) {
print (@"'$str' ");
print ("\n\n");
print ("Numeric:\n");
print (@" double: $numd\n");
print (" int64: %" + int64.FORMAT + "\n", numi64);
print (@" int: $numi\n");
print (@" version: $version\n");
// Help:
// ``Usage:``
// `` test2 [OPTION...] - OptionContext example``
// ``
// `` Help Options:``
// `` -h, --help Show help options``
// ``
// `` Application Options:``
// `` --version Display version number``
// `` -o, --directory=DIRECTORY Output directory``
// `` --importdir=DIRECTORY... Look for external documentation in DIRECTORY``
// `` --driver=DRIVER Use the given driver``
// `` --import=PACKAGE... Include binding for PACKAGE``
// `` --double=DOUBLE double value``
// `` --int64=INT64 int64 value``
// `` --int=INT int value``
return 0;
valac --pkg glib-2.0 GLib.OptionContext.vala
Namespace: GLib
Package: glib-2.0