

[ NoAccessorMethod ]
[ Version ( deprecated = true , since = "0.11.15" ) ]
public uint initiator_handle { get; }

Warning: initiator_handle is deprecated.

The CONTACT Handle of the initiator of this channel, or 0 if there is no particular initiator.


Use initiator_contact instead.

If the channel was initiated by a remote contact, this handle represents that contact, and requested will be false. For instance, for an incoming call this property indicates the caller, and for a chatroom invitation this property indicates who sent the invitation.

If the channel was requested by the local user, requested will be true, and this property may be the group_self_handle or self_handle.

If the channel appeared for some other reason (for instance as a side-effect of connecting to the server), this property may be 0.

This is not guaranteed to be set until prepare_async has finished preparing TP_CHANNEL_FEATURE_CORE; until then, it may be 0.