

[ Version ( deprecated = true , since = "0.7.12" ) ]
public Handle group_get_handle_owner (Handle handle)

Warning: group_get_handle_owner is deprecated.

Synopsis (see below for further explanation):


New code should use group_get_contact_owner instead.

- if this is not a group or handle is not a member of this channel, result is undefined; - if TP_CHANNEL_FEATURE_GROUP has not yet been prepared, result is undefined; - if this does not have flags that include PROPERTIES, result is undefined; - if handle is channel-specific and its globally valid "owner" is known, return that owner; - if handle is channel-specific and its globally valid "owner" is unknown, return zero; - if handle is globally valid, return handle itself

Some channels (those with flags that include CHANNEL_SPECIFIC_HANDLES) have a concept of "channel-specific handles". These are handles that only have meaning within the context of the channel - for instance, in XMPP Multi-User Chat, participants in a chatroom are identified by an in-room JID consisting of the JID of the chatroom plus a local nickname.

Depending on the protocol and configuration, it might be possible to find out what globally valid handle (i.e. an identifier that you could add to your contact list) "owns" a channel-specific handle. For instance, in most XMPP MUC chatrooms, normal users cannot see what global JID corresponds to an in-room JID, but moderators can.

This is further complicated by the fact that channels with channel-specific handles can sometimes have members with globally valid handles (for instance, if you invite someone to an XMPP MUC using their globally valid JID, you would expect to see the handle representing that JID in the Group's remote-pending set).

This function's result is undefined unless the channel is ready and its flags include PROPERTIES (an implementation without extra D-Bus round trips is not possible using the older API).



a channel


a handle which is a member of this channel


the global handle that owns the given handle, or 0