

[ Version ( deprecated = true ) ]
public unowned HashTable<string,Value?> borrow_immutable_properties ()

Warning: borrow_immutable_properties is deprecated.

Returns the immutable D-Bus properties of this channel, the same as TpChannel:channel-propertiess.


Since 0.19.9.

New code should use dup_immutable_properties instead.

The returned hash table should not be altered, and is not necessarily valid after the main loop is next re-entered. Copy it with g_boxed_copy (its type is TP_HASH_TYPE_QUALIFIED_PROPERTY_VALUE_MAP) if a copy that remains valid must be kept.

If the TpChannel:channel-propertiess property was not set during construction (e.g. by calling Channel.from_properties), a reasonable but possibly incomplete version will be made up from the values of individual properties; reading this property repeatedly may yield progressively more complete values until the TP_CHANNEL_FEATURE_CORE feature is prepared.



a channel


a GenericSet where the keys are strings, D-Bus interface name + "." + property name, and the values are Value instances