

[ Version ( since = "1.24" ) ]
public Ternary permissions_state { get; }

The state of the cached permissions.

The value nm_ternary_default means that no permissions are yet received (or not yet requested). nm_ternary_true means that permissions are received, cached and up to date. nm_ternary_false means that permissions were received and are cached, but in the meantime a "CheckPermissions" signal was received that invalidated the cached permissions. Note that NMClient will always emit a notify:permissions_state signal when a "CheckPermissions" signal got received or after new permissions got received (that is regardless whether the value of the permission state actually changed). With this you can watch the permissions-state property to know whether the permissions are ready. Note that while NMClient has no D-Bus name owner, no permissions are fetched (and this property won't change).