

[ Version ( deprecated = true , deprecated_since = "1.22" ) ]
public bool load_connections (string[] filenames, out string failures, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error

Warning: load_connections is deprecated since 1.22.

Requests that the remote settings service load or reload the given files, adding or updating the connections described within.


Use load_connections_async or GDBusConnection.

The changes to the indicated files will not yet be reflected in this's connections array when the function returns.

If all of the indicated files were successfully loaded, the function will return true, and failures will be set to null. If NetworkManager tried to load the files, but some (or all) failed, then failures will be set to a null-terminated array of the filenames that failed to load.



the nmclient


null-terminated array of filenames to load


on return, a null-terminated array of filenames that failed to load


a Cancellable, or null


true on success.

Warning: before libnm 1.22, the boolean return value was inconsistent. That is made worse, because when running against certain server versions before 1.20, the server would return wrong values for success/failure. This means, if you use this function in libnm before 1.22, you are advised to ignore the boolean return value and only look at failures and throws . With libnm >= 1.22, the boolean return value corresponds to whether throws was set. Note that even in the success case, you might have individual failures. With 1.22, the return value is consistent with load_connections_async.end.