
Object Hierarchy:

Archive.Write Archive.Write Archive.Write Archive.Archive Archive.Archive Archive.Archive->Archive.Write


[ CCode ( cname = "struct archive" , free_function = "archive_write_free" ) ]
public class Write : Archive

Example: List contents of Archive stored in File:

public static int main (string[] args) {
Archive.Read archive = new Archive.Read ();
archive.support_filter_all ();
archive.support_format_all ();

if (archive.open_filename ("archive.tar", 10240) != Archive.Result.OK) {
error ("Error: %s (%d)", archive.error_string (), archive.errno ());

unowned Archive.Entry entry;
while (archive.next_header (out entry) == Archive.Result.OK) {
message (entry.pathname ());
archive.read_data_skip ();

if (archive.close () != Archive.Result.OK) {
error ("Error: %s (%d)", archive.error_string (), archive.errno ());

return 0;

valac --pkg libarchive Archive.Read.0.vala

Example: A Universal Decompressor:

public static int main (string[] args) {
int8[] buffer = null;
Archive.Read archive = new Archive.Read ();
archive.support_filter_all ();
archive.support_format_raw ();

if (archive.open_filename ("archive.tar.gz", 16384) != Archive.Result.OK) {
error ("Error: %s (%d)", archive.error_string (), archive.errno ());

unowned Archive.Entry entry;
if (archive.next_header (out entry) != Archive.Result.OK) {
error ("Error: %s (%d)", archive.error_string (), archive.errno ());

ssize_t size;
while ((size = archive.read_data (buffer, buffer.length)) > 0) {
// Write the content of the buffer

if (archive.close () != Archive.Result.OK) {
error ("Error: %s (%d)", archive.error_string (), archive.errno ());

return 0;

valac --pkg libarchive Archive.Read.1.vala

Example: A Basic Write Example:

public static int main (string[] args) {
if (args.length <= 2) {
error ("Usage: [ARCHIVE] [FILE]");

string outname = args[1];

GLib.File parent_working_dir = GLib.File.new_for_path (".");

// Create the tar.gz archive named according the the first argument.
Archive.Write archive = new Archive.Write ();
archive.add_filter_gzip ();
archive.set_format_pax_restricted ();
archive.open_filename (outname);

// Add all the other arguments into the archive
for (int i = 2; i < args.length; i++) {
GLib.File file = GLib.File.new_for_path (args[i]);
try {
GLib.FileInfo file_info = file.query_info (GLib.FileAttribute.STANDARD_SIZE, GLib.FileQueryInfoFlags.NONE);
FileInputStream input_stream = file.read ();
DataInputStream data_input_stream = new DataInputStream (input_stream);

// Add an entry to the archive
Archive.Entry entry = new Archive.Entry ();
entry.set_pathname (parent_working_dir.get_relative_path (file));
entry.set_size (file_info.get_size ());
entry.set_filetype ((uint)Posix.S_IFREG);
entry.set_perm (0644);
if (archive.write_header (entry) != Archive.Result.OK) {
critical ("Error writing '%s': %s (%d)", file.get_path (), archive.error_string (), archive.errno ());

// Add the actual content of the file
size_t bytes_read;
uint8[] buffer = new uint8[64];
while (data_input_stream.read_all (buffer, out bytes_read)) {
if (bytes_read <= 0) {

archive.write_data (buffer, bytes_read);
} catch (Error e) {
critical (e.message);

if (archive.close () != Archive.Result.OK) {
error ("Error : %s (%d)", archive.error_string (), archive.errno ());

return 0;

valac --pkg libarchive --pkg gio-2.0 Archive.Write.vala

All known sub-classes:

Namespace: Archive
Package: libarchive


Creation methods:


Inherited Members: