Object Hierarchy:
[ Compact ] [ CCode ( cname = "FILE" , free_function = "fclose" ) ]public class FileStream
Used to control a I/O stream
Example: Read chars from a stream:
public static int main (string [] args) { // Opens "foo.txt" for reading ("r") FileStream stream = ("filestream.vala" , "r" ); assert (stream != null ); // buffered: char buf[100 ]; while (stream.gets (buf) != null ) { print ((string ) buf); } return 0 ; }
valac --pkg glib-2.0 GLib.FileStream.gets.vala
Static methods:
public void clearerr ()
public bool eof ()
Checks if the end of the given file stream has been reached.
public int error ()
Checks the given stream for errors.
public int fileno ()
Returns the file descriptor for a open file.
public int flush ()
Causes the output file stream to be synchronized with the actual contents of
the file.
public int getc ()
Reads the next character from the given input stream.
public unowned string ? gets (char [] s)
Reads at most s.length - 1
characters from the given file
stream and stores them in s
public int printf (string format, ...)
Writes the results to a file stream stream.
public int putc (char c)
Writes a character c
to the given output stream stream.
public int puts (string s)
Writes string s
to the given output stream
public size_t read (uint8 [] buf, size_t size = 1 )
Reads specified number of objects in the array buffer from the given input
stream stream.
public string ? read_line ()
Reads a line, including any line terminating character(s), from a
FileStream. Returns a newly-allocated string containing the line, excluding any line terminator.
public void rewind ()
Moves the file position indicator to the beginning of the given file stream.
public int scanf (string format, ...)
Reads the data from stream.
public int seek (long offset, FileSeek whence)
Sets the file position indicator for the file stream stream to the value
pointed to by offset.
public long tell ()
Returns the file position indicator for the file stream stream.
public int ungetc (int c)
Puts the character ch back to the given file stream.
public int vprintf (string format, va_list args)
Loads the data from the locations, defined by vlist, converts them to
character string equivalents and writes the results to a variety of sinks.
public size_t write (uint8 [] buf, size_t size = 1 )
Writes count of objects in the given array buffer to the output stream