Object Hierarchy:
[ CCode ( has_type_id = false ) ]
[ GIR ( name = "RTCPPacket" ) ]
public struct Packet
[ GIR ( name = "RTCPPacket" ) ]
public struct Packet
Data structure that points to a packet at offset
in buffer
The size of the structure is made public to allow stack allocations.
Namespace: Gst.RTCP
Package: gstreamer-rtp-1.0
- public bool add_profile_specific_ext (uint8[] data)
Add profile-specific extension
to this. - public bool add_rb (uint32 ssrc, uint8 fractionlost, int32 packetslost, uint32 exthighestseq, uint32 jitter, uint32 lsr, uint32 dlsr)
Add a new report block to this with the given values.
- public uint8 app_get_data ()
Get the application-dependent data attached to a RTPFB or PSFB this.
- public uint16 app_get_data_length ()
Get the length of the application-dependent data attached to an APP this.
- public unowned string app_get_name ()
Get the name field of the APP this.
- public uint32 app_get_ssrc ()
Get the SSRC/CSRC field of the APP this.
- public uint8 app_get_subtype ()
Get the subtype field of the APP this.
- public bool app_set_data_length (uint16 wordlen)
Set the length of the application-dependent data attached to an APP this.
- public void app_set_name (string name)
Set the name field of the APP this.
- public void app_set_ssrc (uint32 ssrc)
Set the SSRC/CSRC field of the APP this.
- public void app_set_subtype (uint8 subtype)
Set the subtype field of the APP this.
- public bool bye_add_ssrc (uint32 ssrc)
to the BYE this. - public bool bye_add_ssrcs (uint32[] ssrc)
SSRCs inssrc
to BYE this. - public uint32 bye_get_nth_ssrc (uint nth)
Get the
SSRC of the BYE this . - public string? bye_get_reason ()
Get the reason in this.
- public uint8 bye_get_reason_len ()
Get the length of the reason string.
- public uint bye_get_ssrc_count ()
Get the number of SSRC fields in this.
- public bool bye_set_reason (string reason)
Set the reason string to
in this. - public bool copy_profile_specific_ext (out uint8[] data)
The profile-specific extension data is copied into a new allocated memory area
. - public uint8 fb_get_fci ()
Get the Feedback Control Information attached to a RTPFB or PSFB this.
- public uint16 fb_get_fci_length ()
Get the length of the Feedback Control Information attached to a RTPFB or PSFB this.
- public uint32 fb_get_media_ssrc ()
Get the media SSRC field of the RTPFB or PSFB this.
- public uint32 fb_get_sender_ssrc ()
Get the sender SSRC field of the RTPFB or PSFB this.
- public FBType fb_get_type ()
Get the feedback message type of the FB this .
- public bool fb_set_fci_length (uint16 wordlen)
Set the length of the Feedback Control Information attached to a RTPFB or PSFB this.
- public void fb_set_media_ssrc (uint32 ssrc)
Set the media SSRC field of the RTPFB or PSFB this.
- public void fb_set_sender_ssrc (uint32 ssrc)
Set the sender SSRC field of the RTPFB or PSFB this.
- public void fb_set_type (FBType type)
Set the feedback message type of the FB this .
- public uint8 get_count ()
Get the count field in this.
- public uint16 get_length ()
Get the length field of this.
- public bool get_padding ()
Get the packet padding of the packet pointed to by this.
- public bool get_profile_specific_ext (out unowned uint8[] data)
- public uint16 get_profile_specific_ext_length ()
- public void get_rb (uint nth, out uint32 ssrc, out uint8 fractionlost, out int32 packetslost, out uint32 exthighestseq, out uint32 jitter, out uint32 lsr, out uint32 dlsr)
Parse the values of the
report block in this and store the result in the values. - public uint get_rb_count ()
Get the number of report blocks in this.
- public Type get_type ()
Get the packet type of the packet pointed to by this.
- public bool move_to_next ()
Move the packet pointer this to the next packet in the payload.
- public bool remove ()
Removes the packet pointed to by this and moves pointer to the next one
- public uint32 rr_get_ssrc ()
Get the ssrc field of the RR this.
- public void rr_set_ssrc (uint32 ssrc)
Set the ssrc field of the RR this.
- public bool sdes_add_entry (SDESType type, uint8[] data)
Add a new SDES entry to the current item in this .
- public bool sdes_add_item (uint32 ssrc)
Add a new SDES item for
to this . - public bool sdes_copy_entry (out SDESType type, out uint8[] data)
This function is like sdes_get_entry but it returns a null-terminated copy of the data instead.
- public bool sdes_first_entry ()
Move to the first SDES entry in the current item.
- public bool sdes_first_item ()
Move to the first SDES item in this.
- public bool sdes_get_entry (out SDESType type, out unowned uint8[] data)
Get the data of the current SDES item entry.
- public uint sdes_get_item_count ()
Get the number of items in the SDES packet this .
- public uint32 sdes_get_ssrc ()
Get the SSRC of the current SDES item.
- public bool sdes_next_entry ()
Move to the next SDES entry in the current item.
- public bool sdes_next_item ()
Move to the next SDES item in this.
- public void set_rb (uint nth, uint32 ssrc, uint8 fractionlost, int32 packetslost, uint32 exthighestseq, uint32 jitter, uint32 lsr, uint32 dlsr)
Set the
new report block in this with the given values. - public void sr_get_sender_info (out uint32 ssrc, out uint64 ntptime, out uint32 rtptime, out uint32 packet_count, out uint32 octet_count)
Parse the SR sender info and store the values.
- public void sr_set_sender_info (uint32 ssrc, uint64 ntptime, uint32 rtptime, uint32 packet_count, uint32 octet_count)
Set the given values in the SR packet this .
- public bool xr_first_rb ()
Move to the first extended report block in XR this.
- public uint16 xr_get_block_length ()
- public XRType xr_get_block_type ()
Get the extended report block type of the XR this .
- public bool xr_get_dlrr_block (uint nth, out uint32 ssrc, out uint32 last_rr, out uint32 delay)
Parse the extended report block for DLRR report block type.
- public bool xr_get_prt_by_seq (uint16 seq, out uint32 receipt_time)
Retrieve the packet receipt time of
which ranges in [begin_seq, end_seq). - public bool xr_get_prt_info (out uint32 ssrc, out uint8 thinning, out uint16 begin_seq, out uint16 end_seq)
Parse the Packet Recept Times Report Block from a XR this
- public bool xr_get_rle_info (out uint32 ssrc, out uint8 thinning, out uint16 begin_seq, out uint16 end_seq, out uint32 chunk_count)
Parse the extended report block for Loss RLE and Duplicated LRE block type.
- public bool xr_get_rle_nth_chunk (uint nth, out uint16 chunk)
Retrieve actual chunk data.
- public bool xr_get_rrt (out uint64 timestamp)
- public uint32 xr_get_ssrc ()
Get the ssrc field of the XR this.
- public bool xr_get_summary_info (out uint32 ssrc, out uint16 begin_seq, out uint16 end_seq)
Extract a basic information from static summary report block of XR this.
- public bool xr_get_summary_jitter (out uint32 min_jitter, out uint32 max_jitter, out uint32 mean_jitter, out uint32 dev_jitter)
Extract jitter information from the statistics summary.
- public bool xr_get_summary_pkt (out uint32 lost_packets, out uint32 dup_packets)
Get the number of lost or duplicate packets.
- public bool xr_get_summary_ttl (out bool is_ipv4, out uint8 min_ttl, out uint8 max_ttl, out uint8 mean_ttl, out uint8 dev_ttl)
Extract the value of ttl for ipv4, or hop limit for ipv6.
- public bool xr_get_voip_burst_metrics (out uint8 burst_density, out uint8 gap_density, out uint16 burst_duration, out uint16 gap_duration)
- public bool xr_get_voip_configuration_params (out uint8 gmin, out uint8 rx_config)
- public bool xr_get_voip_delay_metrics (out uint16 roundtrip_delay, out uint16 end_system_delay)
- public bool xr_get_voip_jitter_buffer_params (out uint16 jb_nominal, out uint16 jb_maximum, out uint16 jb_abs_max)
- public bool xr_get_voip_metrics_ssrc (out uint32 ssrc)
- public bool xr_get_voip_packet_metrics (out uint8 loss_rate, out uint8 discard_rate)
- public bool xr_get_voip_quality_metrics (out uint8 r_factor, out uint8 ext_r_factor, out uint8 mos_lq, out uint8 mos_cq)
- public bool xr_get_voip_signal_metrics (out uint8 signal_level, out uint8 noise_level, out uint8 rerl, out uint8 gmin)
- public bool xr_next_rb ()
Move to the next extended report block in XR this .