

[ NoAccessorMethod ]
[ Version ( since = "2.16" ) ]
public bool is_ephemeral { get; construct; }

Whether the WebView is ephemeral.

An ephemeral web view never writes website data to the client storage, no matter what WebsiteDataManager its context is using. This is normally used to implement private browsing mode. This is a g_param_construct_only property, so you have to create an ephemeral WebView and it can't be changed. The ephemeral WebsiteDataManager created for the WebView will inherit the network settings from the WebContext<!-- -->'s WebsiteDataManager. To use different settings you can get the WebsiteDataManager with get_website_data_manager and set the new ones. Note that all WebView<!-- -->s created with an ephemeral WebContext will be ephemeral automatically. See also WebContext.ephemeral.