

[ Version ( deprecated = true ) ]
public void run ()

Warning: run is deprecated.

Starts this, if you are using the old API, causing it to listen for and process incoming connections.


When using listen, etc, the server will always listen for connections, and will process them whenever the thread-default MainContext is running.

Unlike run_async, this creates a MainLoop and runs it, and it will not return until someone calls quit to stop the server.

Example: Simple server, sync:

public class NoodleSoupServer : Soup.Server {
private int access_counter = 0;

public NoodleSoupServer () {
Object (port: 8088);
assert (this != null);

// Links:
// http://localhost:8088/about.html
// http://localhost:8088/index.html
// http://localhost:8088/
this.add_handler ("/about.html", about_handler);
this.add_handler ("/index.html", root_handler);
this.add_handler ("/", root_handler);

// Links:
// http://localhost:8088/*
this.add_handler (null, default_handler);

private static void root_handler (Soup.Server server, Soup.Message msg, string path, GLib.HashTable? query, Soup.ClientContext client) {
string html_head = "<head><title>Index</title></head>";
string html_body = "<body><h1>Index:</h1></body>";
msg.set_response ("text/html", Soup.MemoryUse.COPY, "<html>%s%s</html>".printf (html_head, html_body).data);

private static void about_handler (Soup.Server server, Soup.Message msg, string path, GLib.HashTable? query, Soup.ClientContext client) {
string html_head = "<head><title>About</title></head>";
string html_body = "<body><h1>About:</h1></body>";
msg.set_response ("text/html", Soup.MemoryUse.COPY, "<html>%s%s</html>".printf (html_head, html_body).data);

private static void default_handler (Soup.Server server, Soup.Message msg, string path, GLib.HashTable? query, Soup.ClientContext client) {
NoodleSoupServer self = server as NoodleSoupServer;
assert (self != null);

if (msg.uri.get_path () == "/foo.html") {
// http://localhost:8088/foo.html
string html_head = "<head><title>Default</title></head>";
string html_body = "<body><h1>Default:</h1><p>%s</p><p>%u</p></body>".printf (msg.uri.to_string (false), ++self.access_counter);
msg.set_response ("text/html", Soup.MemoryUse.COPY, "<html>%s%s</html>".printf (html_head, html_body).data);
} else {
// 404:
msg.set_response ("text/html", Soup.MemoryUse.COPY, "<html><head><title>404</title></head><body><h1>404</h1></body></html>".data);
msg.status_code = 404;

public static int main (string[] args) {
NoodleSoupServer server = new NoodleSoupServer (); ();
return 0;

valac --pkg libsoup-2.4 simple-server-sync.vala



a Server