

[ CCode ( array_length = false , array_null_terminated = true ) ]
[ NoAccessorMethod ]
public string[] dns_search { owned get; set; }

List of DNS search domains.

Domains starting with a tilde ('~') are considered 'routing' domains and are used only to decide the interface over which a query must be forwarded; they are not used to complete unqualified host names.

When using a DNS plugin that supports Conditional Forwarding or Split DNS, then the search domains specify which name servers to query. This makes the behavior different from running with plain /etc/resolv.conf. For more information see also the dns-priority setting.

When set on a profile that also enabled DHCP, the DNS search list received automatically (option 119 for DHCPv4 and option 24 for DHCPv6) gets merged with the manual list. This can be prevented by setting "ignore-auto-dns". Note that if no DNS searches are configured, the fallback will be derived from the domain from DHCP (option 15).