The C library provides fast access to documents in Couchbase Server 2.0. With JSON documents and Couchbase server 2.0 you have new ways to index and query data stored in the cluster through views. This client library, libcouchbase, also simplifies requests to Views through its handling of HTTP transport.
- LibCouchbase
- ArithmeticCommand
- ArithmeticResponseInfo
- Client - The libcouchbase client instance.
- ConnectionOptions
- FlushCommand
- FlushResponseInfo
- GetCommand
- GetReplicaCommand
- GetResponseInfo
- HttpCommand
- HttpRequest
- HttpResponse
- IO
- IOOptions
- ObserveCommand
- ObserveResponseInfo
- RemoveCommand
- RemoveResponseInfo
- ServerStatsCommand
- ServerVersionCommand
- StoreCommand
- StoreResponseInfo
- TouchCommand
- TouchResponseInfo
- UnlockCommand
- UnlockResponseInfo
- VerbosityCommand
- ConnectionType
- HttpMethod
- HttpType
- IOType
- Observe - Possible statuses for keys in OBSERVE response
- Replica
- StatusResponse - Define the error codes in use by the library
- Storage
- SyncMode
- Verbosity
- public delegate void ArithmeticCallback (Client instance, void* cookie, StatusResponse status, ArithmeticResponseInfo response_info)
The callback function for an arithmetic request.
- public delegate void ErrorCallback (Client instance, StatusResponse status, string? error)
The error callback called when we don't have a request context. This callback may be called when we encounter memory/network error(s), and we can't map it directly to an operation.
- public delegate void FlushCallback (Client instance, void* cookie, StatusResponse status, FlushResponseInfo response_info)
The callback function for a flush request.
- public delegate void GetCallback (Client instance, void* cookie, StatusResponse status, GetResponseInfo response_info)
The callback function for a "get-style" request.
- public delegate void HttpCompleteCallback (HttpRequest request, Client instance, void* cookie, StatusResponse status, HttpResponse* response)
HttpCompleteCallback will notify that view execution was completed and lcb will pass response body to this callback unless HttpDataCallback is set up.
- public delegate void ObserveCallback (Client instance, void* cookie, StatusResponse status, ObserveResponseInfo response_info)
The callback function for an observe request.
- public delegate void RemoveCallback (Client instance, void* cookie, StatusResponse status, RemoveResponseInfo response_info)
The callback function for a remove request.
- public delegate void StoreCallback (Client instance, void* cookie, Storage operation, StatusResponse status, StoreResponseInfo response_info)
The callback function for a storage request.
- public delegate void TouchCallback (Client instance, void* cookie, StatusResponse status, TouchResponseInfo response_info)
The callback function for a touch request.
- public delegate void UnlockCallback (Client instance, void* cookie, StatusResponse status, UnlockResponseInfo response_info)
The callback function for an unlock request.
- public StatusResponse create_io_options (ref IO op, ref IOOptions options)
Create a new instance of one of the library-supplied io ops types.