[ SimpleType ]
[ CCode ( cname = "lcb_error_t" , cprefix = "LCB_" , has_type_id = false ) ]
public enum StatusResponse
[ CCode ( cname = "lcb_error_t" , cprefix = "LCB_" , has_type_id = false ) ]
public enum StatusResponse
Define the error codes in use by the library
Namespace: LibCouchbase
Package: libcouchbase
Enum values:
- AUTH_CONTINUE - This error code is only used internally within libcouchbase to represent a state in the network protocol
- AUTH_ERROR - Authentication failed. You provided an invalid username/password combination.
- BAD_ENVIRONMENT - An environment variable recognized by libcouchbase was detected, but it contains an invalid value format
- BUCKET_ENOENT - The requested bucket does not exist
- BUSY - An operation has not yet completed.
- CLIENT_ENOMEM - The client ran out of memory
- CLIENT_ETMPFAIL - The client encountered a temporary error (retry might resolve the problem)
- CONFIG_CACHE_INVALID - The contents of the configuration cache file are invalid.
- CONNECT_ERROR - Failed to connect to the requested server
- DELTA_BADVAL - The server detected that operation cannot be executed with requested arguments. For example, when incrementing not a number.
- DLOPEN_FAILED - Failed to open shared object
- DLSYM_FAILED - Failed to locate the requested symbol in the shared object
- DUPLICATE_COMMANDS - The same key was passed multiple times in a command list
- DURABILITY_ETOOMANY - Too many nodes were requested for the observe criteria
- E2BIG - The server reported that this object is too big
- EBADHANDLE - The instance of libcouchbase can't be used in this context
- EBUSY - The server is too busy to handle your request right now. please back off and try again at a later time.
- EINTERNAL - Internal error inside the library. You would have to destroy the instance and create a new one to recover.
- EINVAL - Invalid arguments specified.
- ENOMEM - The server is out of memory
- ERANGE - An invalid range specified
- ERROR - A generic error code.
- ETIMEDOUT - The operation timed out
- ETMPFAIL - The server tried to perform the requested operation, but failed due to a temporary constraint. Retrying the operation may work.
- INVALID_CHAR - Invalid character used in the path component of an URL
- INVALID_HOST_FORMAT - The bootstrap hosts list use an invalid/unsupported format
- INVALID_USERNAME - Administrator account must not be used to access the data in the bucket.
- KEY_EEXISTS - The key already exists (with another CAS value)
- KEY_ENOENT - The key does not exists
- NETWORK_ERROR - A network related problem occured (name lookup, read/write/connect etc)
- NOT_MY_VBUCKET - The server who received the request is not responsible for the object anymore. (This happens during changes in the cluster topology)
- NOT_STORED - The object was not stored on the server
- NOT_SUPPORTED - The server doesn't support the requested command. This error code differs from LCB_UNKNOWN_COMMAND by that the server knows about the command, but for some reason decided to not support it.
- NO_MATCHING_SERVER - The config says that there is no server yet at that position (-1 in the vbucket map)
- PLUGIN_VERSION_MISMATCH - Libcouchbase cannot load the plugin because of version mismatch
- PROTOCOL_ERROR - There is something wrong with the datastream received from the server
- SASLMECH_UNAVAILABLE - The requested SASL mechanism (forced via lcb_cntl) was not available for use
- SERVER_BUG - Unexpected usage of the server protocol, like unexpected response. If you've received this error code, please record your steps and file the issue at:
- SUCCESS - Indication of success
- TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS - Maximum allowed number redirects reached. See lcb_cntl(3) manpage for LCB_MAX_REDIRECTS options to get/set this limit.
- UNKNOWN_COMMAND - The server doesn't know what that command is.
- UNKNOWN_HOST - The server failed to resolve the requested hostname