

[ Version ( since = "1.18" ) ]
public unowned Clip? split_full (uint64 position) throws Error

Splits a clip at the given timeline position into two clips.

The clip must already have a layer.

The original clip's duration is reduced such that its end point matches the split position. Then a new clip is created in the same layer, whose start matches the split position and duration will be set such that its end point matches the old end point of the original clip. Thus, the two clips together will occupy the same positions in the timeline as the original clip did.

The children of the new clip will be new copies of the original clip's children, so it will share the same sources and use the same operations.

The new clip will also have its in_point set so that any internal data will appear in the timeline at the same time. Thus, when the timeline is played, the playback of data should appear the same. This may be complicated by any additional Effect-s that have been placed on the original clip that depend on the playback time or change the data consumption rate of sources. This method will attempt to translate these effects such that the playback appears the same. In such complex situations, you may get a better result if you place the clip in a separate sub Project, which only contains this clip (and its effects), and in the original layer create two neighbouring UriClip-s that reference this sub-project, but at a different in_point .



The Clip to split


The timeline position at which to perform the split, between the start and end of the clip


The newly created clip resulting from the splitting this, or null if this can't be split.