
Object Hierarchy:

GXml.HashThreeMap GXml.HashThreeMap GXml.HashThreeMap GXml.BaseCollection GXml.BaseCollection GXml.BaseCollection->GXml.HashThreeMap GLib.Object GLib.Object GLib.Object->GXml.BaseCollection Gee.Traversable Gee.Traversable Gee.Traversable->GXml.BaseCollection Gee.Iterable Gee.Iterable Gee.Iterable->GXml.BaseCollection GXml.Collection GXml.Collection GXml.Collection->GXml.BaseCollection GXml.ThreeMap GXml.ThreeMap GXml.ThreeMap->GXml.HashThreeMap


public class HashThreeMap : BaseCollection, ThreeMap

A class implementing Collection to store references to child DomElement of Collection.element, using three attributes in items as primary, secondary tertiary keys or MappeableElementThreeKey.get_map_pkey, MappeableElementThreeKey.get_map_skey and MappeableElementThreeKey.get_map_tkey methods if MappeableElementThreeKey are implemented by items to be added. All keys should be defined in node, otherwise it is not added; but keeps it as a child node of actual Collection.element.

If GXml.Element to be added is of type Collection.items_type and implements MappeableElementThreeKey, you should set attribute_primary_key, attribute_secondary_key and attribute_third_key to null in order to use returned value of MappeableElementThreeKey.get_map_pkey, MappeableElementThreeKey.get_map_skey and MappeableElementThreeKey.get_map_tkey as keys.

  public class YourObject : GXml.Element, MappeableElementThreeKey {
[Description (nick="::Name")]
public string name { get; set; }
public string code { get; set; }
public string category { get; set; }
public string get_map_primary_key () { return code; }
public string get_map_secondary_key () { return name; }
public string get_map_third_key () { return category; }
public class YourList : HashThreeMap {
construct {
try { initialize_with (typeof (YourObject)); }
catch (GLib.Error e) {
warning ("Initialization error for collection type: %s : %s"
.printf (get_type ().name(), e.message));

Namespace: GXml
Package: gxml-0.20


Creation methods:



Inherited Members:

All known members inherited from class GXml.BaseCollection
All known members inherited from interface Gee.Traversable
All known members inherited from interface Gee.Iterable
All known members inherited from interface GXml.Collection