The X protocol C-language Binding (XCB) is a replacement for Xlib featuring a small footprint, latency hiding, direct access to the protocol, improved threading support, and extensibility.
- Home: https://xcb.freedesktop.org/
- C-Documentation: https://xcb.freedesktop.org/XcbApi/
- Devhelp-Package download
- Xcb
- AllocColorCellsReply
- AllocColorPlanesReply
- AllocColorReply
- AllocNamedColorReply
- ButtonPressEvent
- ButtonReleaseEvent
- Charinfo
- CirculateNotifyEvent
- ColormapNotifyEvent
- ConfigureNotifyEvent
- ConfigureRequestEvent
- Connection
- CreateNotifyEvent
- Depth
- DestroyNotifyEvent
- EnterNotifyEvent
- ExposeEvent
- GenericError
- GenericEvent
- GetAtomNameReply
- GetFontPathReply
- GetGeometryReply
- GetImageReply
- GetInputFocusReply
- GetMotionEventsReply
- GetPropertyReply
- GetScreenSaverReply
- GetSelectionOwnerReply
- GetWindowAttributesReply
- GrabKeyboardReply
- GrabPointerReply
- GravityNotifyEvent
- Host
- InternAtomReply
- KeyPressEvent
- KeyReleaseEvent
- KeymapNotifyEvent
- LeaveNotifyEvent
- ListExtensionsReply
- ListFontsReply
- ListFontsWithInfoReply
- ListHostsReply
- ListInstalledColormapsReply
- ListPropertiesReply
- LookupColorReply
- MapNotifyEvent
- MapRequestEvent
- MappingNotifyEvent
- MotionNotifyEvent
- PropertyNotifyEvent
- QueryBestSizeReply
- QueryColorsReply
- QueryExtensionReply
- QueryFontReply
- QueryPointerReply
- QueryTextExtentsReply
- QueryTreeReply
- ReparentNotifyEvent
- Screen
- SelectionNotifyEvent
- Setup
- TranslateCoordinatesReply
- UnmapNotifyEvent
- VisibilityNotifyEvent
- AllocColorCellsCookie
- AllocColorCookie
- AllocColorPlanesCookie
- AllocNamedColorCookie
- Arc
- AtomT
- Button
- Coloritem
- Colormap
- Cursor
- DepthIterator
- Drawable
- Font
- Fontable
- Fontprop
- Format
- GContext
- GetAtomNameCookie
- GetFontPathCookie
- GetGeometryCookie
- GetImageCookie
- GetInputFocusCookie
- GetKeyboardControlCookie
- GetKeyboardMappingCookie
- GetModifierMappingCookie
- GetMotionEventsCookie
- GetPointerControlCookie
- GetPointerMappingCookie
- GetPropertyCookie
- GetScreenSaverCookie
- GetSelectionOwnerCookie
- GetWindowAttributesCookie
- GrabKeyboardCookie
- GrabPointerCookie
- InternAtomCookie
- Keycode
- ListExtensionsCookie
- ListFontsCookie
- ListFontsWithInfoCookie
- ListHostsCookie
- ListInstalledColormapsCookie
- ListPropertiesCookie
- LookupColorCookie
- Pixmap
- Point
- QueryBestSizeCookie
- QueryColorsCookie
- QueryExtensionCookie
- QueryFontCookie
- QueryKeymapCookie
- QueryPointerCookie
- QueryTextExtentsCookie
- QueryTreeCookie
- Rectangle
- ScreenIterator
- Segment
- SetModifierMappingCookie
- SetPointerMappingCookie
- Timecoord
- Timestamp
- TranslateCoordinatesCookie
- VisualID
- VisualType
- VisualTypeIterator
- VoidCookie
- Window
- AccessControl
- ArcMode
- Atom
- CW
- CapStyle
- Circulate
- ClipOrdering
- CloseDown
- ColorFlag
- ConfigWindow
- ConnectionError
- CoordMode
- EventMask
- Family
- FillRuleStyle
- FillStyle
- FontDraw
- GC
- GX
- GrabMode
- GrabStatus
- HostMode
- ImageFormat
- ImageOrder
- InputFocus
- JoinStyle
- LineStyle
- PolyShape
- PropMode
- ScreenSaver
- SetMode
- SubwindowMode
- VisualClass
- WindowClass
- public const uint8 BUTTON_PRESS
- public const uint8 BUTTON_RELEASE
- public const uint8 CIRCULATE_NOTIFY
- public const uint8 CIRCULATE_REQUEST
- public const uint8 CLIENT_MESSAGE
- public const uint8 COLORMAP_NOTIFY
- public const uint8 CONFIGURE_NOTIFY
- public const uint8 CONFIGURE_REQUEST
- public const char COPY_FROM_PARENT
- public const uint8 CREATE_NOTIFY
- public const uint8 DESTROY_NOTIFY
- public const uint8 ENTER_NOTIFY
- public const uint8 EXPOSE
- public const uint8 FOCUS_IN
- public const uint8 FOCUS_OUT
- public const uint8 GRAPHICS_EXPOSURE
- public const uint8 GRAVITY_NOTIFY
- public const uint8 KEYMAP_NOTIFY
- public const uint8 KEY_PRESS
- public const uint8 KEY_RELEASE
- public const uint8 LEAVE_NOTIFY
- public const uint8 MAPPING_NOTIFY
- public const uint8 MAP_NOTIFY
- public const uint8 MAP_REQUEST
- public const uint8 MOTION_NOTIFY
- public const uint8 NO_EXPOSURE
- public const uint8 PROPERTY_NOTIFY
- public const uint8 REPARENT_NOTIFY
- public const uint8 RESIZE_REQUEST
- public const uint8 SELECTION_CLEAR
- public const uint8 SELECTION_NOTIFY
- public const uint8 SELECTION_REQUEST
- public const uint8 UNMAP_NOTIFY
- public const uint8 VISIBILITY_NOTIFY