

[ Version ( since = "2.52" ) ]
public string build_request (string method_name, Variant @params) throws Error

This creates an XML-RPC methodCall and returns it as a string.

This is the low-level method that message_new is built on.

params is a Variant tuple representing the method parameters.

Serialization details: - "a{s*}" and "{s*}" are serialized as <struct> - "ay" is serialized as <base64> - Other arrays and tuples are serialized as <array> - booleans are serialized as <boolean> - byte, int16, uint16 and int32 are serialized as <int> - uint32 and int64 are serialized as the nonstandard <i8> type - doubles are serialized as <double> - Strings are serialized as < string> - Variants (i.e. "v" type) are unwrapped and their child is serialized. - Variant s created by variant_new_datetime are serialized as < dateTime.iso8601> - Other types are not supported and will return null and set error. This notably includes: object-paths, signatures, uint64, handles, maybes and dictionaries with non-string keys.

If params is floating, it is consumed.



the name of the XML-RPC method


a Variant tuple


the text of the methodCall, or null on error.

Namespace: Soup.XMLRPC
Package: libsoup-2.4