- public HashTable<string,string> attributes_build (Schema schema, ...)
Build up a hash table of attribute values.
- public HashTable<string,string> attributes_buildv (Schema schema, va_list va)
Build up a hash table of attribute values.
- public async Backend backend_get (BackendFlags flags, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error
- public Quark error_get_quark ()
- public unowned Schema get_schema (SchemaType type)
Get a secret storage schema of the given type
- public async bool password_clear (Schema schema, Cancellable? cancellable, ...) throws Error
Clear unlocked matching passwords from the secret service.
- public bool password_clear_sync (Schema schema, Cancellable? cancellable = null, ...) throws Error
Remove unlocked matching passwords from the secret service.
- public async bool password_clearv (Schema? schema, owned HashTable<string,string> attributes, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error
Remove unlocked matching passwords from the secret service.
- public bool password_clearv_sync (Schema? schema, HashTable<string,string> attributes, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Remove unlocked matching passwords from the secret service.
- public async string password_lookup (Schema schema, Cancellable? cancellable, ...) throws Error
Lookup a password in the secret service.
- public string password_lookup_sync (Schema schema, Cancellable? cancellable = null, ...) throws Error
Lookup a password in the secret service.
- public async string password_lookupv (Schema? schema, owned HashTable<string,string> attributes, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error
Lookup a password in the secret service.
- public string password_lookupv_sync (Schema? schema, HashTable<string,string> attributes, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Lookup a password in the secret service.
- public async List<Retrievable> password_searchv (Schema? schema, owned HashTable<string,string> attributes, SearchFlags flags, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error
Search for items in the secret service.
- public List<Retrievable> password_searchv_sync (Schema? schema, HashTable<string,string> attributes, SearchFlags flags, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Search for items in the secret service.
- public async bool password_store (Schema schema, string? collection, string label, string password, Cancellable? cancellable, ...) throws Error
Store a password in the secret service.
- public bool password_store_sync (Schema schema, string? collection, string label, string password, Cancellable? cancellable = null, ...) throws Error
Store a password in the secret service.
- public async bool password_storev (Schema? schema, owned HashTable<string,string> attributes, string? collection, string label, string password, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error
Store a password in the secret service.
- public async void password_storev_binary (Schema? schema, owned HashTable<string,string> attributes, string? collection, string label, Value value, Cancellable? cancellable)
Store a password in the secret service.
- public bool password_storev_binary_sync (Schema? schema, HashTable<string,string> attributes, string? collection, string label, Value value, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Store a password in the secret service.
- public bool password_storev_sync (Schema? schema, HashTable<string,string> attributes, string? collection, string label, string password, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Store a password in the secret service.
- public void password_wipe (string? password)
Clear the memory used by a password.