

[ Version ( since = "6.0" ) ]
public ServerOperation? prepare_operation_create_table (string table_name, List<ServerOperationCreateTableArg> arguments) throws Error

Add more arguments if the flag needs them:

GDA_SERVER_OPERATION_CREATE_TABLE_FKEY_FLAG: <itemizedlist> <listitem><para>string with the table's name referenced</para ></listitem> <listitem><para>an integer with the number pairs "local_field", "referenced_field" used in the reference< /para></listitem> <listitem><para>Pairs of "local_field", "referenced_field" to use, must match the number specified above.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>a string with the action for ON DELETE; can be: "RESTRICT", "CASCADE", "NO ACTION", "SET NULL" and "SET DEFAULT". Example: "ON UPDATE CASCADE".</para></listitem> <listitem><para>a string with the action for ON UPDATE (see above).</para></listitem> </itemizedlist>

Create a ServerOperation object using an opened connection, taking three arguments, a column's name the column's GType and ServerOperationCreateTableFlag flag, you need to finish the list using null.

You'll be able to modify the ServerOperation object to add custom options to the operation. When finished call gda_server_operation_perform_create_table or perform_operation in order to execute the operation.



an opened connection


name of the table to create


list of arguments as GdaServerOperationPrepareCreateTableArg containing column's name, column's Type and a ServerOperationCreateTableFlag flag


a ServerOperation if no errors; NULL and set throws otherwise