

[ Version ( since = "4.2.3" ) ]
public static ServerOperation? prepare_create_table (Connection cnc, string table_name, Error error, ...)

Add more arguments if the flag needs them:


  • string with the table's name referenced
  • an integer with the number pairs "local_field", "referenced_field" used in the reference
  • Pairs of "local_field", "referenced_field" to use, must match the number specified above.
  • a string with the action for ON DELETE; can be: "RESTRICT", "CASCADE", "NO ACTION", "SET NULL" and "SET DEFAULT". Example: "ON UPDATE CASCADE".
  • a string with the action for ON UPDATE (see above).

Create a ServerOperation object using an opened connection, taking three arguments, a column's name the column's GType and ServerOperationCreateTableFlag flag, you need to finish the list using null.

You'll be able to modify the ServerOperation object to add custom options * to the operation. When finished call perform_create_table or perform_operation in order to execute the operation.



an opened connection


name of the table to create


a place to store errors, or null


group of three arguments for column's name, column's Type and a ServerOperationCreateTableFlag flag, finished with null


a ServerOperation if no errors; NULL and set error otherwise