

[ CCode ( cname = "e_webdav_discover_sources_sync" ) ]
[ Version ( since = "3.18" ) ]
public bool webdav_discover_sources_sync (string? url_use_path, uint32 only_supports, NamedParameters? credentials, out string out_certificate_pem, out TlsCertificateFlags out_certificate_errors, out SList<WebDAVDiscoveredSource> out_discovered_sources, out SList<string> out_calendar_user_addresses, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error

Synchronously runs discovery of the WebDAV sources (CalDAV and CardDAV), eventually limited by the only_supports filter, which can be NONE to search all types.

Note that the list of returned calendars can be more general, thus check for its actual support type for further filtering of the results. The url_use_path can be used to override actual server path, or even complete URL, for the given source.

If an error occurred, the function will set error and return false. The function can return success and no discovered sources, the same as it can return failure, but still set some output arguments, like the certificate related output arguments with G_TLS_ERROR_BAD_CERTIFICATE error.

The return value of out_certificate_pem should be freed with g_free when no longer needed.

The return value of out_discovered_sources should be freed with webdav_discover_free_discovered_sources when no longer needed.

The return value of out_calendar_user_addresses should be freed with g_slist_free_full (calendar_user_addresses, g_free); when no longer needed.



optional URL override, or null


bit-or of EWebDAVDiscoverSupports, to limit what type of sources to search


credentials to use for authentication to the server


optional return location for a server SSL certificate in PEM format, when the operation failed with an SSL error


optional TlsCertificateFlags, with certificate error flags when the operation failed with SSL error


a SList of all discovered sources


a SList of all discovered mail addresses for calendar sources


optional Cancellable object, or null


an Source from which to take connection details


true on success, false on failure