

[ Version ( since = "0.10" ) ]
public void boxed_register_serialize_func (Type gboxed_type, NodeType node_type, BoxedSerializeFunc serialize_func)

Registers a serialization function for a `GBoxed` of type `gboxed_type` to a [struct@Json.

Node] of type `node_type`.

Example: Boxed serialization:

public struct MyStruct {
public int64 a;
public int64 b;

public static Json.Node serialize_func (void* _boxed) {
assert (_boxed != null);

MyStruct* boxed = (MyStruct*) _boxed;

Json.Node node = new Json.Node (Json.NodeType.OBJECT);
Json.Object obj = new Json.Object ();
obj.set_int_member ("a", boxed.a);
obj.set_int_member ("b", boxed.b);
node.set_object (obj);
return node;

public static int main (string[] args) {

// Check whether the struct is serializeable:
// Output: ``serializeable(1): false``
bool tmp = Json.boxed_can_serialize (typeof (MyStruct), null);
print ("serializeable(1): %s\n", tmp.to_string ());

// Register our BoxedDeserializeFunc:
Json.boxed_register_serialize_func (typeof (MyStruct), Json.NodeType.OBJECT, MyStruct.serialize_func);

// Check again:
// Output: ``serializeable(2): true``
tmp = Json.boxed_can_serialize (typeof (MyStruct), null);
print ("serializeable(2): %s\n", tmp.to_string ());

// Serialize the struct:
MyStruct stru = {10, 20};
Json.Node root = Json.boxed_serialize (typeof (MyStruct), &stru);

// Node to string:
Json.Generator generator = new Json.Generator ();
generator.set_root (root);
string data = generator.to_data (null);

// Output: ``{"a":10,"b":20}``
print (data);
print ("\n");

return 0;

valac --pkg json-glib-1.0 serialization-boxed.vala



a boxed type


a node type


serialization function

Namespace: Json
Package: json-glib-1.0