

[ Version ( since = "2.10" ) ]
public bool get_geometry (out unowned Screen screen, out Rectangle area, out Orientation orientation)

Obtains information about the location of the status icon on screen.


Use Notification and Application to provide status notifications; there is no direct replacement for this function, as the platform is responsible for the presentation of notifications

This information can be used to e.g. position popups like notification bubbles.

See position_menu for a more convenient alternative for positioning menus.

Note that some platforms do not allow GTK+ to provide this information, and even on platforms that do allow it, the information is not reliable unless the status icon is embedded in a notification area, see is_embedded .



a StatusIcon


return location for the screen, or null if the information is not needed


return location for the area occupied by the status icon, or null


return location for the orientation of the panel in which the status icon is embedded, or null. A panel at the top or bottom of the screen is horizontal, a panel at the left or right is vertical.


true if the location information has been filled in