

[ NoAccessorMethod ]
[ Version ( deprecated = true , deprecated_since = "3.8" , since = "2.10" ) ]
public string gtk_color_scheme { owned get; set; }

Warning: gtk_color_scheme is deprecated since 3.8.

A palette of named colors for use in themes.


Color scheme support was dropped and is no longer supported. You can still set this property, but it will be ignored.

The format of the string is

name1: color1
name2: color2
Color names must be acceptable as identifiers in the gtkrc syntax, and color specifications must be in the format accepted by parse.

Note that due to the way the color tables from different sources are merged, color specifications will be converted to hexadecimal form when getting this property.

Starting with GTK+ 2.12, the entries can alternatively be separated by ';' instead of newlines:

name1: color1; name2: color2; ...