GStreamer Dynamic Parameter Control
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- ARGBControlBinding - A value mapping object that attaches multiple control sources to a guint gobject properties representing a color.
- ControlPoint - An internal structure for value+time and various temporary values used for interpolation.
- DirectControlBinding - A value mapping object that attaches control sources to gobject properties.
- InterpolationControlSource - InterpolationControlSource is a ControlSource, that interpolates values between user-given control points.
- LFOControlSource - LFOControlSource is a ControlSource, that provides several periodic waveforms as control values.
- ProxyControlBinding - A ControlBinding that forwards requests to another ControlBinding
- TimedValueControlSource - Base class for ControlSource that use time-stamped values.
- TriggerControlSource - TriggerControlSource is a ControlSource, that returns values from user-given control points.
- InterpolationMode - The various interpolation modes available.
- LFOWaveform - The various waveform modes available.
- public delegate void DirectControlBindingConvertGValue (DirectControlBinding self, double src_value, ref Value dest_value)
Function to map a control-value to the target GValue.
- public delegate void DirectControlBindingConvertValue (DirectControlBinding self, double src_value, void* dest_value)
Function to map a control-value to the target plain data type.
- public void timed_value_control_invalidate_cache (TimedValueControlSource self)
Reset the controlled value cache.