

[ Version ( since = "2.30" ) ]

public bool open_pipe (int[] fds, int flags) throws Error

Similar to the UNIX pipe call, but on modern systems like Linux uses the pipe2 system call, which atomically creates a pipe with the configured flags.

As of GLib 2.78, the supported flags are `O_CLOEXEC`/`FD_CLOEXEC` (see below) and `O_NONBLOCK`. Prior to GLib 2.78, only `FD_CLOEXEC` was supported — if you wanted to configure `O_NONBLOCK` then that had to be done separately with `fcntl()`.

Since GLib 2.80, the constants g_unix_pipe_end_read and g_unix_pipe_end_write can be used as mnemonic indexes in fds.

It is a programmer error to call this function with unsupported flags, and a critical warning will be raised.

As of GLib 2.78, it is preferred to pass `O_CLOEXEC` in, rather than `FD_CLOEXEC`, as that matches the underlying `pipe()` API more closely. Prior to 2.78, only `FD_CLOEXEC` was supported. Support for `FD_CLOEXEC` may be deprecated and removed in future.



Array of two integers


Bitfield of file descriptor flags, as for fcntl


true on success, false if not (and errno will be set).

Namespace: GLib.Unix
Package: glib-2.0