

[ Version ( since = "2.50" ) ]
[ CCode ( delegate_target = false ) ]
public LogWriterFunc writer_default

Format a structured log message and output it to the default log destination for the platform.

On Linux, this is typically the systemd journal, falling back to `stdout` or `stderr` if running from the terminal or if output is being redirected to a file.

Support for other platform-specific logging mechanisms may be added in future. Distributors of GLib may modify this function to impose their own (documented) platform-specific log writing policies.

This is suitable for use as a [type@GLib.LogWriterFunc], and is the default writer used if no other is set using [func@GLib.log_set_writer_func ].

As with [func@GLib.log_default_handler], this function drops debug and informational messages unless their log domain (or `all`) is listed in the space-separated `G_MESSAGES_DEBUG` environment variable, or set at runtime by [func@GLib.log_writer_default_set_debug_domains].

[func@GLib.log_writer_default] uses the mask set by [func@GLib.log_set_always_fatal] to determine which messages are fatal. When using a custom writer function instead it is up to the writer function to determine which log messages are fatal.



key–value pairs of structured data forming the log message


log level, either from [type@GLib.LogLevelFlags], or a user-defined level


number of elements in the fields array


user data passed to [func@GLib.log_set_writer_func]


[enum@GLib.LogWriterOutput.HANDLED] on success, [enum@GLib.LogWriterOutput.UNHANDLED] otherwise

Namespace: GLib.Log
Package: glib-2.0