

public virtual signal void drag_motion (Actor actor, float delta_x, float delta_y)

The drag_motion signal is emitted for each motion event after the drag_begin signal has been emitted.

The components of the distance between the press event and the latest motion event are computed in the actor's coordinate space, to take into account eventual transformations. If you want the stage coordinates of the latest motion event you can use get_motion_coords.

The default handler of the signal will call move_by either on actor or, if set, of drag_handle using the delta_x and delta_y components of the dragging motion. If you want to override the default behaviour, you can connect to the drag_progress signal and return false from the handler.



the Actor attached to the action


the X component of the distance between the press event that began the dragging and the current position of the pointer, as of the latest motion event


the Y component of the distance between the press event that began the dragging and the current position of the pointer, as of the latest motion event