[ CCode ( cprefix = "CAMEL_FOLDER_" , type_id = "camel_folder_info_flags_get_type ()" ) ]
[ Flags ]
public enum FolderInfoFlags
These flags are abstractions.
It's up to the CamelProvider to give them suitable interpretations. Use
FOLDER_TYPE_MASK to isolate the folder's type.
Enum values:
- CHILDREN - The folder has
children (not yet fully implemented).
- FLAGGED - This folder contains
flagged messages.
- FLAGS_LAST - The last define
bit of the flags.
- NOCHILDREN - The folder does
not have children (not yet fully implemented).
- NOINFERIORS - The folder
cannot have child folders.
- NOSELECT - The folder cannot
contain messages.
- READONLY - The folder is read
- SHARED_BY_ME - A folder
being shared by the user.
- SHARED_TO_ME - A folder
being shared by someone else.
- SUBSCRIBED - The folder is
- SYSTEM - The folder is a built-in
"system" folder.
- TYPE_ALL - This folder contains
all the messages.
- TYPE_ARCHIVE - This folder
contains archived messages.
- TYPE_CONTACTS - The folder
contains contacts, instead of mail messages.
- TYPE_DRAFTS - This folder
contains drafts.
- TYPE_EVENTS - The folder
contains calendar events, instead of mail messages.
- TYPE_INBOX - The folder is an
inbox folder.
- TYPE_JUNK - The folder shows
junk messages.
- TYPE_MEMOS - The folder
contains memos, instead of mail messages.
- TYPE_NORMAL - The folder is
a normal folder.
- TYPE_OUTBOX - The folder is
an outbox folder.
- TYPE_SENT - The folder shows
sent messages.
- TYPE_TASKS - The folder
contains tasks, instead of mail messages.
- TYPE_TRASH - The folder shows
deleted messages.
- VIRTUAL - The folder is virtual.
- VTRASH - The folder is a virtual
trash folder.
- WRITEONLY - The folder is
write only.