

This parameter is also a D-Bus property on the resulting Connection; a parameter named com.

example.Duck.Macaroni with this flag corresponds to the Macaroni property on the com.example.Duck interface. Its value can be queried and possibly changed on an existing Connection using methods on the org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties interface. When a new value for a parameter with this flag is passed to Account.UpdateParameters, the account manager will attempt to update its value on any running connections. Similarly, if the parameter also has the Has_Default flag, and is passed in the second argument to UpdateParameters, the default value will be applied to any running connections. Thus, clients generally do not need to directly access or update the connection property; instead, they SHOULD manipulate Account.Parameters. This allows runtime-configurable options to be stored and maintained by the AccountManager, without needing to invent a separate account preference for “properties that should be set on the connection as soon as it is created”. It was originally invented to manage Cellular preferences.