

[ Version ( since = "2.50" ) ]
public bool websocket_server_process_handshake (Message msg, string? expected_origin, string[]? protocols)

Examines the method and request headers in msg and (assuming msg contains a valid handshake request), fills in the handshake response.

If expected_origin is non-%NULL, then only requests containing a matching "Origin" header will be accepted. If protocols is non-%NULL, then only requests containing a compatible "Sec-WebSocket-Protocols" header will be accepted.

Requests containing "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions" header will be accepted even if the header is not valid. To process a request with extensions you need to use websocket_server_process_handshake_with_extensions and provide the list of supported extension types.

This is a low-level function; if you use add_websocket_handler to handle accepting WebSocket connections, it will call this for you.



Message containing the client side of a WebSocket handshake


expected Origin header


allowed WebSocket protocols.


true if msg contained a valid WebSocket handshake request and was updated to contain a handshake response. false if not.

Namespace: Soup
Package: libsoup-2.4