

[ CCode ( cname = "GIOErrorEnum" , cprefix = "G_IO_ERROR_" , type_id = "g_io_error_enum_get_type ()" ) ]
[ GIR ( name = "IOErrorEnum" ) ]
public errordomain IOError

Error codes returned by GIO functions.

Note that this domain may be extended in future GLib releases. In general, new error codes either only apply to new APIs, or else replace g_io_error_failed in cases that were not explicitly distinguished before. You should therefore avoid writing code like

if (g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED))
// Assume that this is EPRINTERONFIRE
but should instead treat all unrecognized error codes the same as g_io_error_failed.

See also PollableReturn for a cheaper way of returning g_io_error_would_block to callers without allocating a Error.

Namespace: GLib
Package: gio-2.0


Error codes:

Static methods: